Minor rant: YouTube search is trash. Not because you can’t find things. It’s semi-decent at that. It’s because it throws a “For You” section in the middle of results (on web, at least) that is increasingly in my experience not related to what you’re searching for, or - more recently - not “for me” in any way. The stuff it’s started inserting has been proper put-you-off-your-food gross or otherwise highly NSFW and there’s no way I’ve found to tell it to stop showing certain things - the usual “not interested” controls are removed and even reporting videos doesn’t seem to work. It’s never shown me anything like these videos in my regular recommendations1, so it’s very odd it thinks they’re something I’d want to see inserted amongst search results.

The worst I could previously say about the “For You” section is that it would ignore any preferences you’d indicated around “don’t show me this channel” - annoying, but usually still somewhat related to my search. It is possible to use uBlock to create a cosmetic filter that hides “For You”, but it catches some other (non-problematic) elements on the page, requires setup on each device, and could break at any moment if YouTube decides to update the HTML. So far from an ideal solution, but it can be a stopgap until YouTube fixes whatever is going on.

  1. Usually - Warhammer, comics, pro-wrestling, wood-working, video games, computer hardware, and software development. ↩︎