
Full Post List

Jun 1, 2024: Gonna have to write up my recent experimenting with a local Language Model + Retrieval Augmented Generation with local files (my blog archive and …

May 31, 2024: Currently heating my office by trying to generate vector embeddings for 22 years of blog posts… on a Raspberry Pi 🤪

May 20, 2024: At the weekend I bought my first prebuilt PC in, like, 25 years. I realised I had neither the time to do all the part selection, nor the space to …

May 20, 2024: Get you someone who loves you as much as the retired lady next door loves the music of Pink

May 18, 2024: VS Code Remote Tunnels are kinda awesome. I’ve been playing with them for the last couple of days, and they’re less hassle than juggling SSH keys all …

May 17, 2024: Slightly random question: does anyone know how well https// works on a modern iPad? My iPad is too old to even attempt it.

May 16, 2024: I have something like 3 or 4 blog posts in draft right now, because by the time I’ve got part way through writing them I’ve gone and done …

May 8, 2024: Finished reading: Godeater’s Son by Noah Van Nguyen 📚

May 3, 2024: If there is one thing I miss about Twitter, it’s the carnival that happens on election results day.

May 3, 2024: Watching the Tories get absolutely pumped at the ballot box brings me unrestrained joy any time it happens.

Apr 30, 2024: I feel I need to go back and re-read Dune. I watched Dune: Part 2 yesterday, and a bunch of stuff was different to how I remembered it. But, to be …

Apr 29, 2024: Not to boast, but I’ve just completed almost all the DIY odd jobs I’d been putting off for 5+ months, in ~2.5 hours this morning, and the only one I …

Apr 28, 2024: My partner has a very small book-related YouTube channel, that usually only does a few dozen views per video. Yesterday she posted a Short of her …

Apr 27, 2024: Finished reading: Black-Eyed Saint by Dale Lucas 📚

Apr 26, 2024: Currently reading: Black-Eyed Saint by Dale Lucas 📚

Apr 26, 2024: I spent most of the day adding a new section to my site, only for there to be an Azure Static Web Apps outage for deploying to prod 😖

Apr 25, 2024: The burrito cravings have come on strong and sudden 🌯

Apr 15, 2024: Gross. Using the “New Outlook” that was forced on me, and there’s a sneaky ad at the top of my inbox, designed to look like an …

Apr 14, 2024: I’m very nearly done painting my Sylvaneth, at last. I’m waiting for the bases to dry, then I can finish airbrushing the giant sword and applying the …

Apr 12, 2024: I had a realisation the other day, that I still don’t know how I feel about: I’ve been continually employed (full or part-time) since I …

Apr 9, 2024: Thanks to Wrestlemania, Kingdom has been thoroughly lodged in my head for the last 2 days and shows no signs of leaving anytime soon.

Apr 6, 2024: It feels slightly odd buying a new, dedicated, DVD player in 2024, but here we are…

Apr 3, 2024: Minor rant: YouTube search is trash. Not because you can’t find things. It’s semi-decent at that. It’s because it throws a …

Mar 31, 2024: is effectively a universal timeline for not just but also ActivityPub, Bluesky, and other services. We want to make the web a …

Mar 30, 2024: It hurts my non-American brain that this even needs to be a question, or that a law might be required: The Boss Is Calling Late. Should the Law Let …

Mar 28, 2024: An interesting post that’s helped me understand a bit more about the way Bluesky’s “composable” moderation and federation …

Mar 24, 2024: Finished reading: The Rose at War by Danie Ware 📚

Mar 23, 2024: Folks who have read the Sharpe books — do you recommend reading in timeline order, or release order? I’m feeling tempted to pick them up and give them …

Mar 20, 2024: Nothing puts me off a product category I’m interested in faster than the Instagram ads algorithm.

Mar 20, 2024: Looks like I’m going to be visiting that there London town in May, in what will be my first trip away from home since… ooh, 2018?

Mar 18, 2024: Finished reading: Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge by Gary Kloster 📚

Mar 16, 2024: I did some work last night on improving build times on my blog. An initial implementation, that covers just the existing images, brought times down to …

Mar 14, 2024: It turns out I kinda like coming into the office. When I’m the only person here.

Mar 14, 2024: The urge to just migrate my personal site to Micro.Blog is hitting pretty hard at the moment. @manton has been knocking it out of the park lately with …

Mar 8, 2024: I’ve somehow ended up in a situation where I have both system-wide and user-only versions of Microsoft PowerToys installed on my work laptop, which …

Mar 4, 2024: Welp, guess I need to urgently finish some more projects so I can get in on this Darkoath boxset…

Mar 3, 2024: Me: “I’m going to be productive this weekend and get stuff done” Also me: watches approx 14 hours of Final Fantasy cutscenes instead

Feb 27, 2024: Y’know what, they may not be the latest and greatest, but the Khorne half of the Age of Sigmar 1st Edition starter set (2015) holds up surprisingly …

Feb 26, 2024: Finished reading: Temple of Silence by Richard Strachan 📚

Feb 26, 2024: Finished reading: Blacktalon by Lianne Mercial 📚

Feb 20, 2024: I’ve fallen down the LogSeq rabbit-hole (kinda forced to, as work stopped allowing Obsidian) Thing is, I’m already using it far more …

Feb 20, 2024: Every time I need or want to make a graphic for something, I miss Fireworks MX just a little bit more. That was such a good bit of software, and Adobe …

Jan 28, 2024: Finished reading: The End and the Death: Volume III by Dan Abnett 📚

Jan 28, 2024: Currently reading: The End and the Death: Volume III by Dan Abnett 📚

Jan 19, 2024: Every so often I’ll leave a pile of paints on the desk and stumble across some unexpectedly 🔥 colour combinations. This is today’s: bold oranges + …

Jan 17, 2024: Finished reading: Farsight: Empire of Lies by Phil Kelly 📚

Jan 12, 2024: Currently reading: Farsight: Empire of Lies by Phil Kelly 📚

Jan 4, 2024: I really need to get more of my feeds hooked up to again…

Jan 2, 2024: I’ve seen a lot of people posting about reading achievements and goals lately, so I’d be remiss if I didn’t plug my partner’s …

Jan 2, 2024: Year in books for 2023 Here are the books I finished reading in 2023.

Dec 31, 2023: I’ve still got some work to do, but I’m super close to adding ~590 historical posts to my blog, stretching back to 2003. Just got some data clean up …

Dec 30, 2023: Last week I posted that the vibe had changed on Threads lately. After thinking about it, and logging in for a few minutes today, I’ve just gone ahead …

Dec 27, 2023: Day 2476 of December 2023: still living off of party food, with no end in sight.

Dec 25, 2023: 5 minutes into the new Doctor Who, and I’m absolutely sold on the new cast.

Dec 24, 2023: I logged into Threads, this morning, for the first time in maybe a couple of weeks, and “the vibes” seem to have dropped off a cliff 🫤 My feed used to …

Dec 23, 2023: I’m currently sorting through an export of ~2900 posts from various old blogs of mine, with the goal of getting a lot of it back online in the …

Dec 22, 2023: Finished reading: Rogal Dorn: The Emperor’s Crusader by Gav Thorpe 📚

Dec 19, 2023: Finished reading: Haven’t You Heard? by Marie Le Conte 📚

Dec 2, 2023: Shock, horror, that viral story about the 3 pose bridal picture isn’t quite as it was first presented.

Dec 2, 2023: There’s two days of thick frost in the garden that has started to form into a forest of crystals. It looks really pretty.

Nov 30, 2023: I registered a new domain today. Uh oh… 😅

Nov 29, 2023: I added over 200 blogs to my RSS feed reader today. It was wonderful!

Nov 29, 2023: Even craft communities like crochet are having to warn their members about AI-generated fakes and the risks. Madness. …

Nov 27, 2023: A tale of bad UX, in 1 screenshot. I thought I’d try out Marvel Unlimited for the first time in ~10 years, and hot-damn it’s garbage …

Nov 27, 2023: An hour and a half in the “Live Chat” to my phone provider this morning. I wanted to cancel the plan used by my Apple Watch, as I …

Nov 26, 2023: My partner and I give each other the gift of not having to buy for each other at Christmas. If we want something, we buy it for ourselves. No stress …

Nov 26, 2023: Finished reading: Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear by Noah Van Nguyen 📚

Nov 26, 2023: New Doctor Who was great, and as a bonus, I’ve not had to endure to having any Raging Gammon Takes shoved into my timelines. Leaving Twitter entirely …

Nov 24, 2023: I’m going to try 3D printing some pieces in resin tomorrow, for the first time since April(ish). I’m sure it will go 100% successfully and …

Nov 23, 2023: Finished reading: The End and the Death: Volume II by Dan Abnett 📚

Nov 22, 2023: Windows Copilot somewhat making up for the fact there isn’t a quick toggle/shortcut to enable Dark Mode in Windows… (this is literally all …

Nov 21, 2023: Everything I know about Elon Musk is increasingly against my will.

Nov 20, 2023: Dear me, what on earth did they do to Thunderbird?! I was hoping to use it (for the first time in years) to access my MBOX exports locally, but …

Nov 20, 2023: I’m switching email providers, which is fine for the majority of stuff as it’s on my own domain, but at some point I was using the old …

Nov 13, 2023: Hobby-related things I want to complete by summer 2024: Finish my Cities of Sigmar army boxset. Build + paint the Stormcast Eternals army …

Nov 13, 2023: Hobby-related goals I want to do between now and the end of 2024: Paint all of my space marine miniatures. Yes, all of them. There’s a lot. …

Nov 11, 2023: Loki has become the most well-rounded and compelling character in the MCU, and it isn’t even close anymore. 📺

Nov 10, 2023: One goal for the next few weeks/early next year - restart my hobby blog, probably on for the ease of posting from the app + all of …

Nov 4, 2023: New World of Warcraft expansion announcement got me looking at new PCs, because there’s no way my (otherwise quite capable) laptop will run it at any …

Nov 3, 2023: Hot damn, Blizzard are really, really, good at World of Warcraft trailers…

Nov 3, 2023: The trailer for Echo looks pretty intriguing - it’s certainly looking a lot more violent than I expected from a Disney+ MCU show. Perhaps going …

Nov 2, 2023: Currently reading: Haven’t You Heard? by Marie Le Conte 📚

Nov 1, 2023: I’m not a fan of the new website, for many reasons, but my 2 biggest irritations are that 1) it makes me scroll 2 full viewports …

Oct 31, 2023: Some pretty intense rain seems to have cut the trick-or-treating short this evening, so we’re left with an abundance of sweets left over that we …

Oct 28, 2023: Donuts and coffee @ Dough & Co. The single is for now, the box of 3 to take home 🍩☕️

Oct 26, 2023: Developer folks - have you implemented anything which helps you assess the environmental impact of the applications/services you develop and run? If …

Oct 26, 2023: Me: I have too many paints. Also me: buys an entire paint range in one go.

Oct 25, 2023: I miss the people I used to follow on Twitter. I feel like I don’t see enough of them on other platforms. In part it’s because those who have moved on …

Oct 22, 2023: I really wanted some donuts 🍩

Oct 21, 2023: Good job there’s not a book I’d really like to preorder. Oh…

Oct 19, 2023: Flu + Covid vaccinated for another season 🙌🏻 Had to go out in a red weather warning to get it, but needs must. Now to spend the rest of the day …

Oct 18, 2023: So Ahsoka series 1 was pretty much exactly the length of time needed to build 20 Dark Elf Warriors with spears. Still to build: 10 Warriors w/ …

Oct 17, 2023: I should use the next couple of days to finish off my Cities of Sigmar project, but instead I’m going to spend the day building Warhammer Dark …

Oct 17, 2023: I’ve spent the last 2 (3?) hours attempting to clear out my office space, and even though I’ve recycled/thrown out a lot of stuff, it …

Oct 16, 2023: I had a fairly successful start to some time off; a long lie-in (9:30! unheard of!), a couple of hours relaxing, and then installed a new wall-mounted …

Jul 24, 2023: I should use bluesky more. And Mastodon, for that matter. Threads kind of swept me along in a constant stream of interactions, and I basically forgot …

Jul 22, 2023: Holy shit Barbie was like, really, really good

Jul 22, 2023: Off to see Barbie today, dressed head to toe in black. Not as some sort of statement you see, that’s just my wardrobe ☠️

Jul 18, 2023: Finally watched Red Dwarf series 9, and it was… a thing? Found it a very strange show to watch. Despite following a lot of the formula, it …

Jun 12, 2023: I’m watching the counter of subreddits “going dark” (i.e. private and inaccessible) at Reddark tick up with a slight sense of …

Jun 12, 2023: I’m giving my FDM printer its first run-out for 3-4 months, as I’m finding myself surprisingly short on 90mm round miniature bases. 🤞🏻 it …

Jun 10, 2023: I need to revamp an ancient PHP app I wrote for a local company over 12 years ago. I haven’t completely settled on how I want to go about it …

Jun 9, 2023: Currently wiping my Reddit history, prior to deleting my account. I’m having to use a tool called PowerDeleteSuite to edit + delete posts and …

Jun 9, 2023: Well, I guess I won’t be using Reddit any more. Incredibly detailed post from Christian Selig about what’s happening with Reddit and 3rd-party apps: …

Jun 6, 2023: Unasked for quick thoughts on the Apple Vision Pro: It looks sci-fi AF. I’m intrigued and would try it out Can’t wait to see what …

Jun 5, 2023: I restored my iPad to factory-fresh, as it was running incredibly slow. Doing so reset my chosen Siri voice across all my devices, from Irish voice 2, …

Jun 5, 2023: For the first time in years, I have no idea what to expect from WWDC (apart from the yearly OS updates). I’ve been so steeped in the Microsoft …

Jun 5, 2023: I’m having one of those days where I just can’t get out of the gate on any task. Not sure it’s a motivation, focus, or other …

May 5, 2023: Finished reading: Cypher: Lord of the Fallen by John French 📚

May 3, 2023: Test post from to bluesky 🥳

Apr 29, 2023: Finished reading: The Dark City by Chris Wraight 📚

Apr 23, 2023: Finished reading: Sanguinius: The Great Angel by Chris Wraight 📚

Apr 6, 2023: Finished reading: Crisis of Faith by Phil Kelly 📚

Mar 28, 2023: Currently reading: Farsight: Empire of Lies by Phil Kelly 📚

Mar 18, 2023: A totally normal thing to see while passing on the bus

Mar 11, 2023: Currently reading: Sanguinius: The Great Angel by Chris Wraight 📚

Mar 11, 2023: Finished reading: Garro: Knight of Grey by James Swallow 📚

Mar 11, 2023: Finished reading: The End and the Death: Volume I by Dan Abnett 📚

Mar 5, 2023: I’d like some time and energy for hobbies, please. 2 days off, and I’ve alternated between having to do a bunch of non-work jobs, and being exhausted …

Feb 28, 2023: On-theme delivery today

Feb 27, 2023: My hardback copy of The End and the Death hasn’t arrived, so diving on in with the audiobook version instead

Feb 25, 2023: I’ll Find You by Hundred Reasons still slaps hard 🎵

Feb 15, 2023: I’ve got my AZ-400 exam booked for May. I also need to renew my AZ-204 by the end of March, so there’s lots of studying in my near future. …

Feb 14, 2023: Every year Mrs K doesn’t just give me a birthday candle, but a whole candelabra… sometimes in every meal 🎂

Feb 13, 2023: Finished reading: Briardark by C L Werner 📚

Feb 10, 2023: A cat, asleep on my bed; it is not my cat 🐈‍⬛

Feb 7, 2023: Currently reading: Briardark by C L Werner 📚

Feb 6, 2023: Me, when buying a FDM 3D printer: “I’m going to print so much wargaming terrain!” Me, 3 months later: “terrain takes way too long; let’s just print …

Feb 4, 2023: Finished reading: The Hollow King by John French 📚

Feb 4, 2023: Second breakfast, at Books and Beans 📚☕️

Jan 29, 2023: Books! Books! Both old and new 📚

Jan 28, 2023: I’ve been playing the new Hitman mode “Freelancer”. It’s really good so far, but the random starting points can be unexpectedly difficult. The game …

Jan 28, 2023: Me: no experience or skills in 3D modelling, beyond resizing some things in 3D Builder. Also Me: “let’s spend Saturday evening creating …

Jan 26, 2023: Back at the resin forges once more

Jan 24, 2023: I got sniped at the last possible second on an eBay auction for the books from Warhammer Fantasy 5th edition. Which sucked. But then I found a cheaper …

Jan 23, 2023: I’m not happy with a paint job, so I’m going to try dousing it in oils and enamels, to see if it helps. It’s a Chaos project, so I can totally play it …

Jan 23, 2023: Well that was very weird. Just had a filling come away from a tooth, completely whole. For a moment I thought it was a bit of metal in my toffee …

Jan 22, 2023: Todays job is sorting out the utter state of my primary hobby space. Believe it or not, this is the tidiest it’s been in months, as I can actually get …

Jan 21, 2023: I’m dangerously close to perfecting my fries cooked in the air fryer. So far: frozen fries go in at 160°C for 8 minutes once done, shake, spray with …

Jan 21, 2023: Finished reading: Hallowed Ground by Richard Strachan 📚

Jan 21, 2023: Started reading: The Hollow King by John French 📚

Jan 17, 2023: Currently reading: Hallowed Ground by Richard Strachan 📚

Jan 11, 2023: I’m enjoying my read of Dead Lies Dreaming so far. It’s tagged in some places as both the end of one series (Laundry Files), and the …

Jan 9, 2023: Started reading: Dead Lies Dreaming by CHARLES. STROSS 📚

Jan 9, 2023: Finished reading: The Triumph of Saint Katherine by Danie Ware 📚

Jan 7, 2023: Started reading: The Triumph of Saint Katherine by Danie Ware 📚

Jan 6, 2023: Finished reading: Helbrecht: Knight of the Throne by Marc Collins 📚

Jan 4, 2023: Finished reading: Escape by Marie Le Conte 📚